Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. complète 6 400 mètres de forage carotté et RC sur la propriété Balandougou en Guinée

Montréal, le 16 mai 2012 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V : SPX) (« Stellar » ou la « Société ») annonce qu’elle a complété son actuel programme de forage consistant en plus de 6 000 mètres de forage carotté et RC dans les zones B3 et B1 de la découverte Solotomo… Cont’d

Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. completes 6,400 metres of core and RC drilling on the Balandougou property in Guinea

Montreal, May 16, 2012 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V: SPX) (“Stellar” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the completion of its current drilling program consisting of more then 6,000 metres of core and RC drilling on zones B3 and B1 of the Solotomo Discovery… Cont’d

Shareholder Distribution

Montreal, MAY 8, 2012 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Corporation”) The Board of directors is pleased to announce that the distribution of the 16,500,000 shares of TomaGold Corporation (“TomaGold”) to its shareholders, was completed May 4th 2012. The shares were distributed on a pro rata basis, as a return of capital. […]

Shareholder Distribution

Montreal, MAY 8, 2012 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Corporation”) The Board of directors is pleased to announce that the distribution of the 16,500,000 shares of TomaGold Corporation (“TomaGold”) to its shareholders, was completed May 4th 2012. The shares were distributed on a pro rata basis, as a return of capital. […]

Distribution spéciale aux actionnaires

Montreal, le 19 avril, 2012 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar”) Le conseil d’administration de Stellar est heureux d’annoncer que la Bourse de Croissance TSX a accepté que 16 500 000 actions de Corporation TomaGold (sur les 22 000 000 détenues par Stellar) soient libérées de l’entente d’entiercement pour permettre la distribution spéciale de […]

Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. confirme la distribution des actions de TomaGold Corporation Inc. et reprend le forage sur Balandougou en Guinée, Afrique de l’Ouest.

Montréal, le 27 mars 2012 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V : SPX) (« Stellar » ou la « Société ») désire rappeler aux actionnaires que la date de clôture des registres pour la distribution des actions de TomaGold Corporation a été fixée au 30 avril 2012 (la « date de clôture »), date à […]

Stellar Pacific Ventures drills 18 metres of 4.57 gr Au/t on B-3 zone of Solotomo discovery, Guinea.

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, January 10, 2012 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) – is pleased to release final results of the 2011 drill program completed in November 2011 on the Zone B-3 of the SOLOTOMO GOLD DISCOVERY in Guinea, West Africa. Cont’d

Stellar Pacific Ventures drills 18 metres of 4.57 gr Au/t on B-3 zone of Solotomo discovery, Guinea.

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, January 10, 2012 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) – is pleased to release final results of the 2011 drill program completed in November 2011 on the Zone B-3 of the SOLOTOMO GOLD DISCOVERY in Guinea, West Africa. Cont’d