Stellar Pacific Ventures samples 48.4 g Au/t on Namarana and updates on exploration results in Mali, West Africa.

Montreal, November 14, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) is providing an update on the NAMARANA PROJECT exploration in Mali and will follow soon with an update on the ongoing exploration program on the BALANDOUGOU / SOLOTOMO PROJECT in Guinea. Cont’d

Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. et Newmont Ventures Limited forment un partenariat pour explorer la propriété Namarana au Mali.

Montréal, le 29 août 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar”) est heureuse d’annoncer la signature d’une entente de partenariat avec la société Newmont Ventures Limited, une filiale de Newmont Mining Corporation (NYSE :NEM) (« Newmont ») dans le but d’explorer la propriété Namarana, au Mali, (la « Propriété ») et d’acquérir d’autres propriétés […]

Stellar is granted an exploration authorization for the Namarana area covering 132 km2 in Mali, West Africa.

Montreal, August 11, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) is proud to announce that it was awarded by the Ministry of Mines of the Republic of Mali, an EXPLORATION AUTORIZATION for the Namarana area which covers over 132 km2. Cont’d

Stellar Pacific Ventures names Mackenzie (Mac) Watson to Advisory Board.

Montreal, April 11, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX.V – SPX) (“Stellar”, the “Company”) is pleased to announce the nomination of Mr. Mackenzie (Mac) Watson on Advisory Board. Mr. Watson’s long experience in the mining industry will be beneficial to the company on various matters relating to new property acquisitions, and other corporate decisions […]