Stellar is granted an exploration authorization for the Namarana area covering 132 km2 in Mali, West Africa.

Montreal, August 11, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) is proud to announce that it was awarded by the Ministry of Mines of the Republic of Mali, an EXPLORATION AUTORIZATION for the Namarana area which covers over 132 km2. Cont’d

Stellar Pacific Ventures reports positive drill results on Guinea Solotomo’s gold structure B-3.

Montreal, July 19, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) is pleased to conclude on the 42 RC holes program drilled on the B-3 Zone of the SOLOTOMO gold system. A total of 21 holes intercept significant gold grades over widths of up to 35 metres. Cont’d

Stellar Pacific Ventures reports positive drill results on Guinea Solotomo’s gold structure B-3.

Montreal, July 19, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) is pleased to conclude on the 42 RC holes program drilled on the B-3 Zone of the SOLOTOMO gold system. A total of 21 holes intercept significant gold grades over widths of up to 35 metres. Cont’d

Les actionnaires approuvent la vente des actifs miniers situés au Québec et la distribution aux actionnaires.

Montréal, le – 4 juillet 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (« Stellar » ou « la société ») a le plaisir d’annoncer que lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle et spéciale du 30 juin 2011, les actionnaires ont approuvé à 98.11 % la vente des actifs miniers québécois de Stellar à la compagnie Carbon2Green […]

Stellar Pacific Ventures drills 47 meters of 1.64 g/t Gold on zone B-1, at the Solotomo discovery, Guinea West Africa.

Montreal, June 1st, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce more drill results on extensive B-1 and B-3 zones on the SOLOTOMO gold discovery located in the center of the Company’s 735 km2 Balandougou Project in Guinea West Africa. Cont’d

Stellar Pacific Ventures drills 47 meters of 1.64 g/t Gold on zone B-1, at the Solotomo discovery, Guinea West Africa.

Montreal, June 1st, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce more drill results on extensive B-1 and B-3 zones on the SOLOTOMO gold discovery located in the center of the Company’s 735 km2 Balandougou Project in Guinea West Africa. Cont’d

Mise à jour sur la vente des propriétés minières du Québec et distribution auprès des actionnaires.

Montréal, le 27 Mai 2011 ‐ Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX‐V:SPX) (“Stellar” ou la “Société”) désire apporter certaine précisions à ses actionnaires sur la vente des propriétés minières du Québec annoncée le 2 mai 2011 et sur son intention de distribuer à ses actionnaires inscrits une grande partie des actions de Carbon2Green Corporation reçues en […]