Montreal, February 22, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar”) announces that it has granted 500,000 stock options to a service provider. Each stock option entitles its holder to subscribe for one common share of Stellar at a price of $0.13 per share. Their expiry date is January 28, 2013. Cont’d
Montreal, February 14, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the first assay results of a systematic drilling campaign carried out on the SOLOTOMO gold discovery which is located in the center of the Company’s 735 km2 Balandougou Project in Guinea West Africa. Cont’d
Montreal, February 9, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the results of the trenching and drilling program completed on B1 zone in November 2011.
Montreal, January 25th 2010 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” or the “Company”) announces first results of the current drilling program on the Monster Lake property in Chibougamau mining camp Quebec. Cont’d
Montréal, 25 Janvier 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (« Stellar » ou la « Compagnie ») annonce la signature d’une entente d’option avec la société Tali-Mines SARL, pour l’acquisition de 100% du permis aurifère NAMARANA dans la République du Mali en Afrique de l’Ouest. Cont’d
Montréal le 13 janvier, 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” ou la “Société”) annonce la nomination de Monsieur Jean François Lalonde au conseil d’administration de Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. Cont’d
Montréal, le 10 janvier 2011 – Stellar Pacific Ventures Inc. (TSX-V:SPX) (“Stellar” ou la “Société”) vous informe que 106 sondages RC ont été complétés sur SOLOTOMO avant le congé des fêtes sur un programme total de 120 trous. Les 14 derniers trous seront complétés avant la fin de janvier 2011. Consultez le communiqué complet