Zuenoula Gold permit, Côte d'Ivoire

The Zuénoula permit was officially granted to Aucrest Sarl, a fully owned subsidiary of Stellar AfricaGold, in the ministerial meeting held April 17, 2024.

The highly prospective Zuénoula Gold exploration permit was acquired November 27, 2020 as a then ‘pending’ permit application (see news releases dated June 29, 2020, November 27, 2020 and February 6, 2023) and Stellar has steadfastly pursued its final issuance.

The Zuénoula Gold exploration permit, which covers a total of 395.8 square kilometers, is located in the margin between granitoids and the Birimian greenstone belt along a regional NE–SW trending shear zone. (See location map figure 1) The Zuénoula Gold Project will target a 22 km long E-NE trending shear zone interpreted by historic air magnetic data. Artisanal activities along the N-NE shear zone have been identified from satellite imagery.

Zuenoula Gold Permit, Côte d’Ivoire